Welcome to The Fanfiction Haven, a safe spot for Fanfiction writers who have had their fics taken off sites like
fanfiction.net or mediaminer.org and who would like to have their fics posted where they won't be taken down. We
welcome submissions and cannot wait to hear from authors! Until we get more authors, we have posted IcedFireRose's
YuYu Hakusho Fanfiction, have an authoress' works being prepared for posting and are anxiously awaiting more authors
to join!
We will try to update as often as possible, so bear with us! We will put up a notice if there will be a long span of
time between updates, so check back often to see what's new!
What's Going on right now?
3/15/05~ Happy St. Patrick's Day! I've got
one author in the works, but i'm still looking for more! As I've said before, We welcome any and all anime fictions as well
as any ratings (as long as we're made aware of the rating before posting so proper disclaimers can be made) We can be reached
at dasinglio777@hotmail.com if you would like to e-mail me, Etherealrose03 if you have AIM, etherealpinkrose if you have yahoo, or use the above e-mail
address to contact me on MSN messanger.
Here at The Fanfiction Haven, we give all authors/authoresses almost complete
control over what their page looks like, down to backgrounds, font sizes and colors. We also provide beta-reading if desired.
Contact us for more information!
All Animes and ratings* are welcome
*-Ratings must be given in advance so proper disclaimers may be made
IcedFireRose and The Fanfiction Haven believe in author/authoress
control over visual options of their posted fictions...contact IcedFireRose for more details.
Reviews, Submissions, Comments? Email IcedFireRose!